CAFIB – Dogs & Cia. Yearbook
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Américo Cardoso dos Santos Júnior
A well-known Arabic proverb says that “The dogs bark and the caravan moves on”. The CAFIB caravan, since its inception in 1978, has been following its guiding star in an steadfast course, indifferent to the hysterical yelps and piercing howls of the most diverse packs. Of course, the word pack has a figurative meaning here because the members of these hallucinated scum who keep appearing (and then disappearing), are actually pretty envious and low-feeling people, but who believe themselves to be enlightened and owners of the truth. We, at CAFIB, were born small, as a mere commission, but, as we have never made concessions or distanced ourselves from our principles and objectives, we are today the world reference in the genetic improvement of Fila Brasileiro.
Along this memorable trajectory, which shall soon complete half a century, we have already received the qualification of "personae non gratae" by the so-called master entity of national cynophilia, from which we were banned and from whose board of arbitrators we were excluded, to be redeemed later and readmitted. During these decades, we expanded CAFIB's activities outside Brazil, consolidating our international operations several times in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, always following the same principles, criteria and regulations, without ever opening concessions. We have become enriched by new memberships and purged by some defections. And, in this year of 2021, we are proud to be highlighted in the Top Dogs Yearbook, edited by the traditional Dogs & Cia magazine. In the publication, the page referring to Fila Brasileiro is illustrated with a photograph of the CAFIB's award-winning dog, Zenon do Itanhandu, bred and owned by our directors Cíntia and Gerson Junqueira de Barros. And the information about breed characteristics reproduces, almost literally, those described in our standard. We send our greetings to the Dogs & Cia Yearbook and go on with our fight.
is curious to register the support and praise received from former adversaries, while, on so many other occasions, we find, paradoxically and shamefully, that some of our most fervent detractors have been former mates, former members of CAFIB. And since we begin this note with an oriental proverb, we close it with another one, which says: “The tree, when it is being cut down, observes, with sadness, that the handle of the ax is made of wood.” And, speaking of wood, we remind you that some are preferred for making rosaries, in addition to producing flavoring oils used to achieve harmony and spiritual elevation. Of these, the tree originating in India deserves to be highlighted, which gave rise to the saying that teaches: “Be like sandalwood, which perfumes the ax that wounds it”. Who knows, in our ongoing process of evolution, we may one day evolve to this level...